Saturday, October 6, 2007

Interview with Ceaser...

"What was going through your head when you sentenced this man Jesus to be crucified?"

"At the time, I wondered why the people of Israel wanted this man to die, and why so harshly. for as far as i knew he had done nothing wrong."

"Why do you think the citizens of Jeruselem traded Jesus for Barabus?"

"I think that they so desperately wanted Jesus to die, that they ultimately decided they would rather have a murderer instead of a healer."

"What did you think when Jesus said nothing even though he was being wipped and beaten?"

"At first I just assumed that he was to overwhelmed by pain to speak, then i thought that maybe he was afraid to talk to such a man of power as I. But as contemplated that, it didn't make sense since he claimed that he was God. I ultimately figured he was a humble man who took his beatings silently, not wanting to spoil his testimony."

"Did you wish to witness this man die?"

"No, I had no interest in watching an inocent man die."

"Do you belive that he was who he claimed to be?"

"No I do not, but i do believe he had extrodanary gifts."

"Thankyou for your time Ceaser."

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